

    This project is about a website or a platform made for educational purpose, it represent the principle of an “eschool” a virtual school. Both teachers and students could log into the website so they have access to courses, information about fees, currents state and so on. This website will be controlled by the main school to assist the administration in assigning courses to teachers and carrying out their activities.


    Sajjad Ali, 25 years old from Pakistan, a PHP developer. He has an experience of 4 Years as Freelancer dealing with multiple and difficult situations and projects about Web Development.

Virtual Friend

    This project aims to create an interaction between man and machine. It is essentially designed to help users communicate with their machine only by voice. 


It has many features from basic, intermediate to advanced level.

·      - Basic features such as greetings, simple conversations, some important functions like it’ll tell us today’s date, current time, battery percentage, available WIFI connections, weather report...

·        - Intermediate features such as opening files, read & write operations, QR generator, QR reader, URL shortening, sending SMS as well as social media also like FB, WhatsApp, telegram, …. It can send mail also. Then  taking screenshots and screen recording.  Translating words from any language. It is able to download videos from YouTube and can download images from Google. It has the ability to convert mp4 file to mp3 file. Scraping the details from browser to find the live match score, job vacancies …

·        - Advanced features such as computer visions like detect the faces, recognize the person and even it can recognize the objects too. It has the tracking ability to track the objects. It can used to automate our machine also.


    To view the sample output of this project Click Here
    To get the code Click Here 


    I am Logeshwaran, 21 years old. I’ve made this entire project with python.

For more exciting and brilliant projects check out the author's Instagram page: Python Projects

Web Browser With Python



    We are representing this brilliant idea made by Mr. MANSOOR Ali about making a beautiful and powerful browser with python language. 


    I am Mansoor Ali, student Of  IT.  I Have experience of 6 Months in Web designing And Web development. currently I am Working on Beginner level projects but i am trying to learn professional web designing.

Oncology hospital program


    The program aim to simplify the communication between entities of the hospital network. so their will be 4 users of this application: the reception, the doctor, the pharmacy and the laboratory
when a patient comes to the reception, the application allow to add the patient's data to a database, then the reception send that patient to the selected doctor. 
    The program allow doctors to :
    - display the name of next patient, that automatically patients will get in when  they see their names.
    - Write lab tests and send it to a laboratory where also results will be uploaded and get back to doctor.
    - share prescriptions writing by doctors with pharmacy.
    - doctors could have the test's result sent by laboratory in real time, this way doctors could save more time and intervene better.
    Every patient have a history that contain information about appointment, prescriptions, diagnostics and so on to make it easier for the doctor to monitor the patient's state.
Pharmacy also could approve the prescription sent by doctors or send it back in case of error, prescription gonna be taken at the end of the day.
    The last entity (Laboratory) could upload and send results in real time.
    The application could also give statistics about types of cancers related to regions, average of health and death in a range of time, also about specific drug consumed by patients.



    I am Mohammed ENAD , 33 years old. I live in IRAQ and I work as pharmacist in oncology hospital. I've written this  program using Java language and also I made an other version with Python.

For more information about that program contact
                            our genius creator Mohammed:

Handling the weird prime numbers with a new powerful python package

    From basic mathematics to advanced encryption techniques, prime numbers have shown since ancient times that's why they are so much important. Even in programming languages, prime numbers logics fascinates the programmers. The python package ‘abhiprime’ is a powerful python package which incorporates the combinations of advantages of modified segmented sieve and primality test. This makes it fast as well as memory efficient at the same time. With abhiprime package you can not only check whether a number is prime number or not, but you can also:

Find the previous prime number from a given number
the next prime number from a given number 
list of prime numbers within a given range
list of prime numbers up to a given number, and,
Generates the Fibonacci prime number series for a given number.

    Python as well as other programming languages doesn't have a built-in function to handle prime numbers. So, this package is very helpful to perform many prime number related operations with a single line. With major updates suggested by the python community, the package is getting more user friendly and powerful. 


    I am Abhishek. I enjoy teaching. Teaching is passion to me more than a profession. I am Data Scientist, YouTuber, writer, author, fiction writer, python editor, blogger and an Electronics engineer. I wrote two sci-fi short stories and two books on python. Despite all this, in my free time I enjoy reading Sherlock and playing chess. I teach python and Electronics to financially weak students for free. 

    Abhishek is one of our genius teachers, if you want to learn python, he would be the best chance. do not hesitate to visit his YouTube channel : Python Programming Universe
you can also contact him at:


    This app gives the ability to send automatically a lot of emails based on an excel file that contains the emails, also a text file that contains the body. also the program can send pdf and jpg attachments. you can choose also the point from where to start and the point where to stop. it's a wonderful program, useful for sending advertising emails to a lot of targets also useful when looking for opportunity to work or have a traineeship.


    I am Zakariae, I love programing too much, especially python. I invest my free time doing exciting things with this beautiful language, the most beautiful fact is that programming gives you the ability to create your own games, apps, environment so it makes you a creator not just a consumer. there will be more and more stuffs to share here. hope I can see your brilliant ideas too.

To download this application just contact the author on